Every year nycoba|NOMA hosts educational and networking programs that provide exposure and access to information on architectural + design market trends as well as industry-related topics and seminars. In addition to these initiatives, nycoba|NOMA members are committed to returning the benefits of their success to local communities through a myriad of activities which include student outreach/career mentoring programs, as well as contributing our time to local charitable organizations. With the generous donations of our annual sponsors, nycoba|NOMA has the ability to produce events and programming in many of New York City’s notable spaces.
Friends of nycoba|NOMA
Website, Email and Social Media Blast Recognition
Recognition at General Membership Meetings
3 Job Announcements
Certificate of Sponsorship

Website, Email and Social Media Blast Recognition
Recognition at General Membership Meetings
2 Guest Passes for Annual Holiday Party
Opportunity to partner on events with nycobaNOMA where there is alignment
10 Job Announcements
Sponsor appreciation package (includes a selection of nycobaNOMA branded items
Certificate of Sponsorship
Website, Email and Social Media Blast Recognition
Recognition at General Membership Meetings
3 Job Announcements
Sponsor appreciation package (includes a selection of nycobaNOMA branded items
Certificate of Sponsorship
Leverage nycobaNOMA’s network of architects, designers, and allied professionals for strategic partnerships on diversity, equity & inclusion programming and professional development
Participate in events to expose diverse candidates to the industry
Priority to host up to 2 events (subject to associated event costs, scheduling, event logistics and availability)
Website, Email and Social Media Blast Recognition
Recognition at General Membership Meetings and Key Events
2 Guest Passes each for Annual Holiday Party and Special Events Invitation (includes Black History Month Event, J. Max Bond, Jr. Lecture)
15 Job Announcements
Sponsor appreciation package (includes a selection of nycobaNOMA branded items
Certificate of Sponsorship
Website, Email and Social Media Blast Recognition
Recognition at General Membership Meetings
7 Job Announcements
Sponsor appreciation package (includes a selection of nycobaNOMA branded items
Certificate of Sponsorship
Underwriter (Diamond)
Leverage nycobaNOMA’s network of architects, designers, and allied professionals for strategic partnerships on diversity, equity & inclusion programming and professional development
Participate in events to expose diverse candidates to the industry
Priority to host up to 3 events (subject to associated event costs, scheduling, event logistics and availability)
Prominent recognition as sponsor for one-year period on nycobaNOMA website
Email and Social Media Blast Recognition
Recognition at General Membership Meetings and All Events
3 Guest Passes each for Annual Holiday Party and Special Events Invitation (includes Black History Month Event, J. Max Bond, Jr. Lecture)
Unlimited number of job announcements
Sponsor appreciation package (includes a selection of nycobaNOMA branded items)
Certificate of Sponsorship